The average house price on VICTORIA ROAD is £487,111
The most expensive house in the street is 6 VICTORIA ROAD with an estimated value of £663,682
The cheapest house in the street is 1 - 3 VICTORIA ROAD with an estimated value of £438,164
The house which was most recently sold was 7 - 9 VICTORIA ROAD, this sold on 4 Jul 2023 for £150,000
The postcodes for VICTORIA ROAD are TS24 7SE, TS24 7SD
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 - 3 VICTORIA ROAD Terraced £438,164 £91,000 23 Mar 1998
3 VICTORIA ROAD Terraced £438,164 £91,000 23 Mar 1998
6 VICTORIA ROAD Terraced £663,682 £180,000 2 Oct 2000
7 - 9 VICTORIA ROAD £150,000 4 Jul 2023
8 VICTORIA ROAD Terraced £466,073 £110,000 1 Sep 1999
15 VICTORIA ROAD Flats/Maisonettes £478,424 £125,000 28 Apr 2000
BOVIS HOUSE, 7 - 9 VICTORIA ROAD Terraced £438,164 £91,000 23 Mar 1998